Beach presentation posteda presentation up from Goldman-Sachs conference
of interest re NWX, page 18 shows the oil production, Beach shows the 3.1 mill barrels from H1, a record... and guidance is for 2.5 mill in H2, a mid pint of the guidance!
so from 3.1 mill down to 2.5 mill, is proof of what I have been saying... Bauer is in decline and that is all that NWX is about! so sell out and move on.... or wait for the gas business which might help... but never replace Bauer production... or ya hope for NWX to sell itself.... but the insiders at NWX have a nice gig... they collect pay packages, each week! easy money for them... and Beach knows the royalty payments are going down, so they are now maybe willing to pay NWX.... oh... maybe... $50 mill??? maybe top end.... but why? would Rozier etal be happy for a one time payment or are they gonna milk this cow for the pay cheques?
well I ani't waiting, hoping as I watch the stock price sink towards 20 cents... I am going, going, gone...LOL
I really like TAO now.... bought a ship load at 60 cents recently and am in the new equity raise for asking $50K worth... expecting it to be over subscribed though... not a lot but a bit...
so out with NWX, in with TAO! and the money churns for the next multi bagger...LOL