bought today @60 cents !buying like a mad man..... got a ship load, all at 60 cents each!
this is wondeful... ex cash you pay about $30K per flowing barrel of high return oil getting brent prices.... NO Cdn discount! no issue with border stuff.... this is the best little play and they are drilling... drilling a high impact well at this time!
time to buy,... realize he long term losers like weeble and dog breath ahve sold out.... they are long gone losers....LOL when these dummies sell, you buy! they are always doing the opposite, they bought high and sold low.... these guys are contra indicators.... they are the players you want at a poker table.... they are easy to take money from.... they are losers...LOL
be a winner... buy now at 60 cents... soon it will be a buck! yes sir.... look for this to be buck within a year! nice return coming...
follow the oil consultant.;... I know the oil bizz.... I am loading up... have loaded up actually... but willing to keep buying at 60 cents... for sure...LOL
bye bye suckers.... you sold... I buy...LOL
ya dummies...LOL