KSA Revenue NumbersThis contract with AlKanhoor will focus on selling services from the DIAGNOS Artificial Intelligence technology platform......What services does Diagnos sell??.........(1). Mobile ($$$$)....(Software + Equipment + Technician + Van)...(2)..Managed ($$$)...(Software + Equipment + Technician)....(3)...Standalone ($$)....(Software + Equipment)....(4)...Software Only ($)...!!...The response from our marketing analysis of the hospitals and clinics with respect to the DIAGNOS application was overwhelming and we believe that by executing the first installation successfully......ONE....of the four options above??..Times....542...each one being different....They just don't know yet! When the installations start and the numbers become available.....it might be a good idea to post the numbers on their web site or Press Release.... Example KSA 542 installations type-1=10, type-2=10, type-3=300, type-4=222.......Mexico 800 installations with the four break downs. Also breaking down the four different types based on 100 or 1000 patients screened revenue numbers.....As Dr Evil would say....Andre throw us a friken bone here!!