Ducksoup000001 wrote: I gave the company two years to prove it is worthwhile to invest in it. Most lost their shirts, not to mention the two long years spent following, reading and analyzing their news, reports and CC. So don't tell me I am not entitled to comment on it. You want facts, okay, how about quarter after quarter of overpromise and no delivery.
This management is not capable to integrate newly acquired operations, even when they good ones, with existing ones in a seamless manner to make a decent profit. Making things worse, those new acquisitions are of either near failed or low quality operations that needs unexpected and intensive capital for refurbishment and marketing. That is poor judgements from the management that lacks the knowledge of the cost of capital.
I did get something good from good posts here in the past. However, These few days the board is so filled with emotional posts but not a single poster admit his mistake by being long since last Fall.
If you stay long that is fine for me. But to complain about the flow of ideas, if they are written with sincerity and facts, is not the correct attitude in good investing practice.
Good luck to your investment
happyretirement wrote: Do those that have sold their position in a stock continue to post on a BB with nothing other than their opinion of the company with no actual concrete facts to support their opinions, just move on and leave those who remain to make up their own minds whether to sell or buy think that your DD arrived at one decision while they feel their DD arrived with something totally different.