Webinar details Relevium Technologies Inc. (TSX Venture: RLV). Relevium is focused on growth through the acquisition of businesses, products and/or technologies with a focus on e-commerce in the growing health and wellness sector, specifically under three important verticals: Pain Relief, Recovery and Performance. The company recently announced a letter of intent (LOI) to acquire BioGanix, an e-commerce platform focused on the sale of dietary supplements.
What: Virtual presentation of 20 to 25 minutes by President & CEO Aurelio Useche. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. Total length estimated to be 45 to 60 minutes.
When: Thursday March 16th, at 12:00 EDT.
Where: The presentation will be done through an online meeting tool called GoToMeeting. You will receive instructions by email on how to join the presentation.
To participate: Please communicate with Mathieu by email at Mathieu @ espacemc . com (remove spaces) with your full name and email address. If you have questions, please send them to Mathieu prior to the meeting. Participants will be muted during the whole presentation, so the CEO will only answer the questions that have been sent to us prior to the presentation.
We hope that many of you will participate!
Mathieu and Philippe