Go away to a MM conference and look what happens......Its not like I am so enamoured with Forest Gump, however lots of great one liners,
First off, stop posting MKR on BFD bull board, if you want to promote some other deal, have the decency to say so, and ask if anyone is interested to “in box” you!!!!
Secondly, its now clear that the “Deluce Plan” was an end around, for their end game. I say, “ Call it like it is”
Thirdly, I called the exchange, the shares in the P/P are NOT voting shares, if any one likes, in box me, I will give you the name and phone number you can call to confirm. ( this, I am not happy about) but it does explain why there is a flurry of buying activity now, as stock is being and needs to be picked up prior to the meeting.
Next, I agree with so many, "VOTE NO" and lets “stick" it to them, Jens is still a special advisor to the board, and one can never retire! He also holds 8 or 9 M shares.
The drills are turning, and more to follow, I am only guessing, but I suspect its getting tougher to find drills. There are a number of drillers here in BC looking for work, they have men and equipment…its easier to get equipment across Canada than it is in Mexico, and Ive seen companies transport equipment just to ensure quality and consistency. And its not like they don’t have money.
so, “ Thats all I am going to say about that” FG