this geo. skopus thinks more than 1billion lbs copper Rio Algom-Rio Tinto
Sept. 1966 to March 1973
Lornex Mining Corp,.
Sept. 1969 to March 1973
Chief Geo1ogist,largest base metal open pit operation in Canada. The mine was placed into production at 50,000 tons per day and worked on the computer stUdies for the expansion to 80,000 tons per day. Was responsible for discovering multimillion tons of base metal ore, placing this mine into the better than a billion ton category.
Anglo Rouyn Mine
Sept. 1966 to Sept 1969 .
Chief Geologist, 1,000 ton per day open pit and 'f'" . u,~derground mine, gold-silver, producer. Found a new ore body along strike. '
Discovery Gold Mines, N.W.T.,
Dec. 1964, to Sept. 1966
Chief Geologist, 250 ton per day gold~silver J I I I I I I I I producer. Involved in all aspects of exploration and mining. I
Cochenour Willans Gold Mine,
Marcus and Willmar Gold Mines Geologist, exploration development, grade control an~1 ore reserves. Jan. 196) to Dec. 1964. 225 ton per day gold 1 I I I f producer.
McKenzie Red Lake Gold Mine -
Oct. 1959 to June 196).
Chief Geol6gist.
250 ton per day gold-silver producer. : Simard Knight & Assoc. Geologist on a geophysical and exploration program on a copper-gold producer. Wa Wa, Ontario, Canada.
Mogul Mining, Toronto, Ontario,
April 1959 - July 1959
Geologist, geophysical and exploration program in Rankin Inlet area, Hudson Bay, N.W,·T.
Tib Exnloration, Newboro, Ontario,
Resident Engineer, outlined 34 million ton of iron and titanium.
New Mylamaque Exploration, Newboro, Ontario,
Assistant Engineer. Bulk sampling program and drilling. outling 50 million'" tons of iron and titanium.
New Spring Coulee Oil and Minerals,
Cedar Lake, Manitoba,
Sept. 1958 - Jan.1958.
Chief Geologist, outlined 12 million pounds of amber reserves.
Ontario Dep2rtment of Mines, Toronto, OntariO,
July 1957 Sept. 1957.
Geologist, examined and mapped sand and gravel ~ deposits.
Professional References:
E.gil Lornstzen <<Lornex Mine above>>Founder and Chairman of Lornex Corp. -Phone- 604 669 4025, Vancouver, B.C.
Charlie Reno --Vice President and General Manager Lorne'x Mining Corp, Now with Parson of California
Dr. R. Evans --Chief Geologist Dennison Mines, Toronto, Ontario Phone -416 278 8694
J.El.J. Fahl~en , Manager - Selco Phone - 416 247 3088
President, Cochenour Willans Gold Mine 152 Cochenour Crescut Cochenour, Ontario, POV, lLO