Nobody is safe in Concordia goes under.-the bondholders a screwed
-don't think that your money is safer that equities if you are bond holder. If concordia fails and goes underground bondholders will be the first to get paid but even if all assets are sold its very likely that all bonds won't be paid back and they will be a 25% plus loss
Long Stockholders are screwed
-if conrcordia doesn't restructure properly our stocks may be frozen until the company is able to get back on its feet if it does. That could take years, and for years our money could be frozen. total bull
Short stockholders are screwed
-they say the only way to make money in a fall is to short but i doubt any shorters close to the economic collapse (2009) made much other than the bankrupcy list.
The answer
-immediate adressing of debt. pay back the bondholders quickly before we have to pay back interest which is a waste of money to begin with. take a low interest loan and possibly appeal to the gov for a bailout/low interst loan if necessary. Allen make this happen, otherwise good luck finding a job as a ceo anywhere else.