GREY:TBTEF - Post by User
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oilconsultanton Mar 29, 2017 7:15pm
Post# 26049220
burger you loser and big dummie...LOL
burger you loser and big dummie...LOLyou got rights? well not so much my little dummie...LOL your shares are not trading, in fact you really have little in the way of rights...LOL You cannot sell the shares, the company is not operating, there is no more sharedummie meeting for you to attend each year... in fact all you got is some worthless shares and a big goose egg in your account...LOL
Yep ypu are just another dummie, like petroexplorer and scottie and all the other fools that bought into this lame company without knowing what the hell you were doing...LOL
your rights? well take your rights and $2 to Timmy's and buy a coffeee... you dummie...LOL
So my little dimwit dummie, all you got left is a hope for maybe a dime or two from any debs you might hold... but no way in hell do you ever see a single penny for your shares...LOL
I laugh at you fools buying TBE... so stupid.... I told you to buy NWX... I made a ton on that gem... so now you should buy TAO... those shares are a deal. But you clowns would not like it, caus e they have cash and NO debt...LOL and we have seen what you idiots like.... deep in debt companies with junk assets.... most defintely not TAO...LOL
I will keep you fools informed about my new winner... TAO.... it will soon double, then double again.... all the while you silly dummies wil be whining about TBE...LOL
like that idiot petroexplorer that wrote the gov't wanting his money back...LOL ain't that a riot... now that guy is some stoooooopid....LOL Like burger... and lightscam... dumb as a door knob...LOL
whaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa