jr.12 you idiot child....LOL
wow look at the production fall!
60 bopd!!! SIXTY!!!! that is all... six zero....LOL
over 9 months all the revenue amounts to is only a million bucks.... and it costs them more than that to produce that oil...LOL
I have laughed at this joke company for years.... laughed the hell at the fool turnip we call jr.12...LOL that guy is stupid as they come... still holding this stock huh? lost a lot too, huh? stupid aren't ya? Yep...LOL
60 bopd...LOL too funny...LOL
oh, the turnip says they are not raising money... wanna bet dummie? when they decide to drill, they will need money cause they only have a few months cash left...LOL... so indeed they need money.... and they will have to price the shares at 2 pennioes each to sell any... and then maybe they cannot sell any shares cause they only have 60 bopd after operating for 20 years! LOL
yes folks, after operating for 20 years.... kfg has only 60 bopd.... they had 75 bopd 20 years ago! they have not added production despite operating for 20 years! and now they are broke and will need money...LOL bout the only fools dumb enuf to give KFG money would be jr.12 and freeDUMMIE but those two fools ain't got any money anymore...LOL
just throw it in, sell this junk company for a penny a share and be done with it.... if not you will never get a penny a share for much longer... soon it will go under...LOL
I so love watchin junk companies fall apart... and I love it when turnips like jr.12 and freeDUMMIE lose all their money.... as little money as they have... even so... it is funny as hell watchin them lose their last few dollars...LOL
man, you two are long timers here... you are two of the dumbest posters on the web...LOL
you dummies own KFG stock for years and years... and have missed out on a record breaking bull market! YES... you dummies miised the best bull market in history... all thru this time you held KFG shares.... and lost money... gawd are you two some stupid...LOL