HAMISH ARE YOU STILL ALIVE???Our stock hit .73 C this morning. Does anyone at corporate care? Despite all of the hopeful posts the bottom line is that there is ZERO communication from LIO!!!! Joe Gray was promoted to investor relations. Joe, what do you do all day?
Posting useless updates on the web page is not communication.
Is there some legal reason that someone can give me why the company refuses to update shareholders? Most of which are under water on this stock?
Basic questions:
Timeline including current negotiations with Ansteel. When do we finalize agreement and start mill construction? How long will mill construction take?
What percentage of the drift is dewatered?
Can we start drilling now on the section of the drift that is dewatered?
Status of Jomaki Ridge application?
$1.35 warrants expire 3/16/18....Is that the plan? Let the warrants expire worthless? 11 months goes by very quickly.
HELLO ?!?!?! is anyone out there????