Only a matter of time Looks like these gold stock are on the rise , and so is the gold price ... and according to this article on Far it states " In New Mexico, Far Resources has due diligence underway on the Winston silver-gold project, home to past-producing mines. Should the deal be consummated, a summer program of six to eight holes would follow."
News of this deal should be coming out now followed by drills being mobilized at Zoro property and get results. For anyone who think that this stock would be going down from here is really delusional. One of the very limited junior mining companies that has a real chance at a big break through and it might not seem it now but this stock is on many peoples radar is just a matter of time until it takes off.
Will be waiting for news of the closing of the winston site , drilling to begin on zoro, and results , im sure the company also has other this coming down the road...