Reasons I'm invested in nex optic Posts from yesterday i know its long but anyone who Has not yet viewed it take a gander and reasearch the links.
Facts from unveiling:
-flat lens creates an image that's not distorted,there for can be scaled. Photos taken of the moon or a planet can then be made into 3D. A planet can be explored in depth without ever setting foot on it. For the first time we can have a map of earth to scale!
-since the photo's are scalable this become very useful with drones for deliveries, self driving cars, or any other application where proximity and accuracy are necessary.
-The blade optics lense is a flat rectangular lense with a large aperture. Lenses with a large aperture are better suited for low light. Will have the ability to take clear photos in dark lit areas.
-one of Stephen petraneks rules was to never buy a penny stock. Yet he quit his job to join nex optic board full time. I think this ays a lot!
- page tucker received entrepreneur of the year in 2016. 'Old news' but just another add to the stacked team that's nex optics.
-Larry mcnish said this is the biggest break through in lenses tech since gallileo created the first telescope. 'A paradigm shift'
-the image produced of moon was comparable if not a little better than leading telescope on the market with equal strength. Main point here is nex telescope was about 10 times smaller when seen on stage. Everything in this day in age is aiking to be lighter,cheaper,smaller.
So to not be impressed by the image produced is foolish.
-John and Darcy have been working on this for 10 years. It took that last two to complete the proto type as they teamed up with Ruda cardinal which if reasearched as a company speaks for itself. And this is the same company they will be moving forward to achieving portable camera equipment. Ie cell phones
these are just some some of the points from last nights unveiling. I know there is more to add.
I willl say this, any doubts I had from the rocky two weeks we have all experienced have been put to rest. I hope a news release of the event comes out to put this back and forth of the credibility or workings of the company to rest.
In in my opinion the future looks great for this company and I left the show on a high of confidence as to what's to come.
Link to news coverage of unveiling:;_ylu=X3oDMTByb2lvbXVuBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1491454358/RO=10/
Ruda Cardinal
Ruda-Cardinal inc. is a leader in the field of optical engineering, specializing in rapid prototyping and creative solutions to unique and complicated optical challenges.
This is the team Darcy and John approached to help develope the prototype which is nex optics telescope. They completed their objective in full. Now The nex optics team is working on diamond blade optics for portable devices teamed with Ruda-Cardinal yet again.
Take the time to check them out.
I don't think there is a negative to anyone involved on this project. Hard part is done with working prototype. Now they're working on scaling it down with the same team that helped them build the initial Prototype.
Link to the Rudna-Cardinal team;_ylu=X3oDMTByYnR1Zmd1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1491455548/RO=10/