Down we go! Down she goes where she stops nobody knows! I thought the same but when you have two to three idiots puking 40 thousand dejardins at 44 100 thousand Td at 45 cents and rbc 100 plus at 45 cents where do you think it's going to go I would say south unless there is a huge anoucement from the company, Why not sell it in 10 thousand blocks so it costs a bit more in brokerage but doesn't kill the market so good luck to us longs . And that's not including cibc who I forgot and he has 100 plus thousand hiding in the background. Even gold up to 1268 in the morning still can't do a thing . I can't say anymore but these traders have screwed this stock up royally in my opion! Who in the right mind would step there toes in this mess if they have been watching it for a while that's why the shrunk volume. Good luck like I said! Oh maybe a nuke could get this going!