RE:RE:RE:RE:PeeyeewwMuch better to be in a circus......circuses can actually been entertaining....than in the vulgarity/mis-information club.
Let's analyze Corey and his team's skills:
1) Can't read financial statement
2) Even though they can see the occassional number have no clue how to interpret them
3) Can't read news releases
4) Can't interpret news releases
5) Never posts a single piece of information
6) GREAT at fooling SH with vulgar language by using $ or #
7) Can't use a computer/open a document
8) Can garnish a burger and user a deep fryer
I mean seriously, who would not want to side with this guy? Oh yeah add one more, lies through his teeth and ridicules posters by using month old news releases, failing to realize that more current releases completely contradict the point he is attempting to make.
You have compelling reasons for people to take up the cause and join you Corey....still firmly implanted on the top 5 all time loser list on Stockhouse. Good thing is another charter member good ole Jerry (yes you can make interpretations on his level of intelligence by the way he spells his handle/name) has ridden into the CNZ board. The GREAT news is he also claims to own shares there is such thing as karma for a company based on the people who "claim" to own shares God help us all!