Ok, so how is it done santee? Does X have lets say $10 million to trade with and trade in conjunction with Y that also has $10 million to trade with? At the end of the day if done professionally the trades can almost be wash trades as loses are paired with gains. Lets say X sells to Y at $2.50. They then let it run and Y starts selling (to X and or the public) until it goes back to $2.50? Then X lets it run then sell it back to Y. I am trying to wrap my head around it but there are lots of variables. I am sure it could be done. Perhaps not to perfection but the price can surely be influenced. What is $5 million in trading loses when an acquiring company can save $300 million in a buyout. I realize that a deal would likely have to be friendly (poison pill) but if negotiations happen when we are trading at $2.50 instead of $3.50 it is $300 million in cap you eliminated from the premium of an offer. Again it does not mean that I believe that this could be happening but it does get my agenda/conspiracy mind thinking....