OTCPK:EUCTF - Post by User
Comment by
Chutzpahon Apr 18, 2017 4:55am
Post# 26130739
RE:RE:Any guesses as to how low this will go before any news?
RE:RE:Any guesses as to how low this will go before any news?Here´s wha tI refered to in case anyone wonders:
Notes sur ma rencontre avec le PDG Bruce Rowlands mardi dernier: -
L'entreprise opre 3 filiales: Xenemetrix, XwinSys et nouvellement, Croptimal. Je n'entrerai pas normment dans les dtails puisque je n'ai pas pris assez de notes et que ce sont des technologies relativement compliques. -
Croptimal est particulirement intressant. Normalement, en agriculture de prcision, les agriculteurs font tester leurs terres pour en connatre les diffrentes concentrations en minraux importants. Des chantillons sont prlevs par l'agriculteur et envoys dans un laboratoire qui les analyse puis retourne les rsultats environ 1 semaine plus tard. Croptimal est un laboratoire mobile et est offert sous forme de service. Le technicien de Croptimal se rend donc au dbut de la saison chez l'agriculteur pour y installer des dispositifs de collecte. Par la suite, la frquence requise par l'agriculteur, le technicien de Croptimal passe collecter les chantillons et les analyse directement dans son camion via une plateforme dans le nuage, ce qui permet de fournir les rsultats des tests l'agriculteur en moins de 10 minutes. Je ne connais pas beaucoup le domaine mais il semblerait que cette solution est largement suprieure ce qui se trouve sur le march actuellement. J'ai cru comprendre que le lancement commercial serait effectu d'ici 12 mois (pas 100% certain l dessus). -
L'objectif court terme de Bruce est de ramener les revenus au niveau qu'ils taient avant la vente de Petromark, soit environ $8M par anne. Il anticipe environ $2M de la part de SICPA (royauts), $2M pour Xenemetrix et $4M pour XwinSys (vente de 2 systmes $2M chacun). ce niveau il mentionne que l'entreprise serait profitable. -
SICPA travaille prsentement l'obtention de 2 gros contrats potentiels pour sa technologie PetroMark. Si elle les obtient, le montant de royauts dues Eurocontrol pourrait augmenter significativement. -
Bruce prvoit continuer d'investir des sommes considrables en recherche et dveloppement pour les annes venir (quelques millions par anne). J'ai trouv la compagnie assez intressante et beaucoup plus facile comprendre en ayant la prsentation du PDG qu'en lisant les documents disponibles sur Sedar. Cela dit, il pourrait trs bien s'agir ici d'une ''value trap'', c'est--dire une entreprise qui semble trs peu dispendieuse (se transigeant sous la valeur de son encaisse) mais qui finira par brler tout cet argent en recherche et dveloppement sans grands succs. Mon opinion n'est pas encore arrte ce sujet! |
Notes on my meeting with CEO Bruce Rowlands last Tuesday:
The company operates 3 subsidiaries: Xenemetrix, XwinSys and newly, Croptimal. I will not get into much detail because I have not taken enough notes and these are relatively complicated technologies.
Croptimal is particularly interesting. Normally, in precision farming, farmers test their land to find out the different concentrations of important minerals. Samples are taken by the farmer and sent to a laboratory which analyzes them and returns the results about 1 week later. Croptimal is a mobile laboratory and is offered as a service. The Croptimal technician goes to the farmer at the beginning of the season to install collection devices. Then, at the frequency required by the farmer, the Croptimal technician passes the samples and analyzes them directly in his truck via a platform in the cloud, which allows the test results to be delivered to the farmer less Of 10 minutes. I do not know much about the domain but it seems that this solution is far superior to what is currently on the market. I understand that the commercial launch would be done within 12 months (not 100% certain on it).
Bruce's short-term objective is to reduce revenues to the level they were prior to the sale of Petromark, or about $ 8 million per year. It anticipates about $ 2M from SICPA (royalties), $ 2M for Xenemetrix and $ 4M for XwinSys (sales of 2 systems at $ 2M each). At this level he mentions that the company would be profitable.
SICPA is currently working on obtaining 2 large potential contracts for its PetroMark technology. If it obtains them, the amount of royalties due to Eurocontrol could increase significantly.
Bruce plans to continue to invest significant amounts of research and development in the years to come (a few million a year).
I found the company quite interesting and much easier to understand by having the CEO's presentation than reading the documents available on Sedar. That said, it could very well be a "value trap", that is to say a company that seems very inexpensive (trading itself under the value of its cash) but which will end up burning All that money in research and development without great success. My opinion is not yet settled on this subject!
Read more at https://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard/v.euo/eurocontrol-technics-group-inc?postid=26093323#pI20vfZXEoDwR5J1.99
Also check out the latest BNN sh1t show up that failed to impress absolutely no one by your great Leader:
Around 4.11 he is asked how is Croptimal going to be funded and he clearly replies for the time being EUO is funding it out of its cash reserves. This is in direct opposition to the false rumour spread before by the pumper longs that Netafim was taking care of all R&D expenses and trials for Croptimal.
No, just FACTS