Rats!Look at them jump! The thing is, this ship is still very much afloat. What has changed? Nothing. Still waiting on some very big news. Spin-out is happening folks. Sure, it is taking longer than we all want, but you don't just wave a wand and split a company in two, both of which trade on an exchange. This is so much more time-consuming than people want to believe. The checks and balances required to spin-out and publicly trade a company are substantial. In regards to the lab testing - it is what it is. Another time bandit. No news isn't bad news, it's just no news! Nothing has changed since the last news release, or when the stock touched 25 cents. People, aka the shorts, are just scared and are scrambling to get a few bucks in profit. And I mean "a few" bucks! I don't get spun up about all of this. In fact, I see this as an opportunity for the shares to go to the right people. Buy up lads!