- you are so busted! Good find dart.!Water does not change the chemical structure dude....are you now trying to sell that line??? Wow you really are desperate! Do you not think it snows up there EVERY year haha??? This was the first time they ever received snow that the mine?? I seriously shake my head every time I read one of your posts.
Leaving the 11k tons up at the site was APL's decision I would bet. Before the snow began to fall CNZ had not received it's feed certification so why would APL rush and spend the money to transport that zeolite to the warehouse. It is easy to run a business with 20/20 hindsight, I am sure you have never been involved in those types of decisions....but some of us have. With a new company is next to impossible to predict at what speed sales and acceptance will grow, thus the reason no start ups give financial guidance to the market. It is too much of a guess.
BUT, please tell the board Pbay how many tons of zeolite were blasted earlier and transported? How much of that remains right now? As always, you paint the other half of the story, doing your damnedest to try to scare shareholder's. APL did just fine last year off of CNZ's zeolite and will again in 2017.
As for posting on that other site, I absolutely believe you would do that. I mean after all the uninformed posts here and averaging 25 posts per day on a stock that you admittedly own zero shares doubt you are fully capable of being that dumb. A guy with an ego like you always believes he can outsmart everyone else and cover up any leak. Must suck to be you nowadays.....