RE:$200 for identity of oilconsultant paid basherPROtrading wrote: I still have some debs on this (not enough to normally worry too much) but I'll like to chip in for the Ad Hoc Committee's attempt to put the crook here behind bars. I'll provide some evidence and help "connect the dots" on this white collar criminal.
This ankle biter has been called in by his fellow 2bit scammer so I need to deal with him.
I'll give $200 to anyone able to tell me who oilconsultant is and who he works for. I'm sure he's "market connected" and as a regular guy investor/trader, I know the authorities have rules that need to be obeyed by these market smucks.
Message me the name and company that has oilconsultant on bashing payroll along with your email address. Confidentially assured. I'll take it from there.
Let see who has the last laugh! LOL ;-)
PROtrading, oilconsultant could be tough to pin down. But based on his activity on NWX, he must have some interest in pumping them up, which may help determine his identity.
He slammed me down for criticizing the inevitable decline in Bauer field, then he turned around and admitted that he sold a bunch of NWX stock:
"so from 3.1 mill down to 2.5 mill, is proof of what I have been saying... Bauer is in decline and that is all that NWX is about! so sell out and move on.... or wait for the gas business which might help... but never replace Bauer production... or ya hope for NWX to sell itself...
...well I ani't waiting, hoping as I watch the stock price sink towards 20 cents... I am going, going, gone...LOL"
So first he cuts everyone down, that warns about NWX, while he continues to pump it, then he sells out. Classic pump and dump scammer.
Anyways, I'd be interested to contribute a portion of the $200 finders fee, just to have him punted off of this board, for all the verbal abuse he has caused.