Eskimoman wrote: roshene wrote:Give them 10% each from Simba and from Essel for JV...and that would be an ideal deal with the companies in question to drill and hit the pool full of O&G.....IMO...what's yours?
...c'mon Lush, Symboitic, mram.......I know your thinking......
I have already emailed EGME to try something different and come to the table with Simba and RENEGOTIATE a 50/50 deal for KENYA.
With this deal Simba Essel have 100% of 2A .
From this 100%, Simba Essel can FARM DOWN ,atleast Kenya to start of,,,, with 20% from the Piggy of 100% for the next JV to drill 2-3 or 4 holes depending on the current 2D integrated results. If its good, someone will come forth to take a crack at it.
This will leave us with 40% still and Essel with 40% equal to 80% in total..
This will save Essel Millions of DOLLARS buying drill Rigs, employing pros drill 2A and also DE-RISK 2A.
Essels commitment of drilling 2 wells thus fulfilled without spending a freaken dime in KENYA with this 20% JV.
If we find commercial qty of oil, 1 Billion say, we all will get rewarded pretty soon.
Essel can revert back to its 60% in Liberia with MASSIVE SEEPS, 25,000BPD market in Liberia and they can drill this one themselves if they want to and have the expertise.
So for KENYA, I want to see these guys EXPEDITE the drill program and move things forward by Farming it to an EXPERT DRILLER.
Only our 1st PSC will get Farmed, the rest as we see fit.
IR of EGME, Kriti has this version from me already for Punkaj to read and decide the next course.
What really sucks from Shareholders pt. of view are the DELAYS and no Management knows how to move forward in a timely manner.
RE:RE:.....IF you ran Simba Essel.......
roshene wrote: Give them 10% each from Simba and from Essel for JV...and that would be an ideal deal with the companies in question to drill and hit the pool full of O&G.....IMO...what's yours?
....I was thinking along the same lines as mram.....these guys aren't oil men.....make a deal..10% for a two well program 100% funded by the major, then assuming they make a significant oil find.....I might be willing to give up another 40% for a multi well drill program and other associated costs, 100% carried by the major and some cash....this would be just for Kenya and as mram stated the savings would be signifcant and there would be experienced people running the show.....then move on to Liberia..