RE:PromisedIt was obvious Doggy, even back then, that they had no intention of providing the billion until this election ... and they threw their minister under the bus in the process... forced him to lie time and time again until he had to go on LTD for mental health issues. Now they are going to posture in a favourable light again and again until something else SOLVES THE PROBLEM FOR THEM. The Ont Gov's motto is "let not and say we did". Ultimately, they want someone else to provide the capital funds for infrastructure, and then they will show up for the "grip and grin" presentation. I am so glad that Frank and his team maintained our autonomy with respect to capital funds. Yes he has traded some equity against future revenues but that doesn't increase our risk with respect to mounting debt loads. I think the infrastructure billion will probably come from the Feds in the form of a P3 which was the best idea right from the start. GLTA KWG longs Pear3