Get Ready for LAUNCH!!!!A few key reasons why Voyageur is getting ready to increase its share holder value: 1. Lithium King property in Utah will update on the "Deeper Drill Targets." 2. Cannacord is dumping shares it never bought on the open market, already 139000 shares have been dumped from Cannacord at .075c / .07c signalling "Shaking of the Tree." 3. The Board of Directors are invested at 12c on the last PP and have plans to make money, not lose it obvs. 4. Frontier Small Caps is the engine driving this stock on the next launch, judging by their past performance with VPT, I am confident we will all be rewarded for our patience. In conclusion, we are not worried about Cannacord dumping at .075c / .075c, so far 139000 have been dumped, which signals we are ready to move up without the weak hands. Let's buckle in and get ready for LAUNCH! JMHO