Chief Plans China Trip to discuss R.O.F Rail Line-see globeIn addition to Greasemonkies post.The framework is now in place for a large deal.By,this I mean offtake agreement for the project.I favour Federal Government jumping in now to pledge funds for much needed infrastructure & jobs for First Nations.There has been a steady stream of cabinet ministers that have visited China recently.This lays groundwork for a deal.Get this heavy financers Blackrock INC(World's largest asset manager)getting involved.Also investment Hong Kong Monetary Authority & S.A.F.E.State Administration of Foreign Exchange which just happens to manage China's Foreign Exchange Reserves.
I thinks this May 15th meeting will produce a deal for $4 Billion for RR & Mining operations.There has been lots of talk Canada reaching out for more business with China.Chinese need chromite for stainless steel industry.So,let's open up the north with announcement of a Railway & get this multi billion project underway.