RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Majors Using IBC's MRT Worldwide!RadioRasheed,
Your question: "Has Ucore spotted an undervalued gem, and do they have the means to grow it?? Based on the use of this technology by majors the world over, and the potential to take the tech into other facets of the mining industry, I’d say an emphatic YES!!!"
My question: Given that this technology has been in development for almost 25 years, why is it that Ucore is the only company who have the insight and business acumen to spot this undervalued gem?
When I do a search on "IBC Impala Platinum", aside from material sourced by IBC, Sepramet, Ucore, or one of the Izatts, I find only 2 really relevant links. One is an old press release issued by IBC announcing a joint venture with Impala Platinum, "... Platnex Inc., to manufacture and market SuperLig molecular recognition technology (MRT) separation systems and products to the platinum group metals refining industry." How old is that press release? Nov 28 1994.
A further search on Platnex Inc turns up nothing (other than some curious citations related to the Panama Papers). Maybe my search skills are lacking?
The second is a 2002 pdf file titled "Cobalt and nickel removal from Zincor impure electrolyte by Molecular Recognition Technology (MRT)—pilot plant demonstration" of which Steve Izatt is a co-author.
Clearly the technology works. But if it is the game changer all of you Ucore acolytes claim it to be, why hasn't Impala Platinum bought IBC long before now? A different search turns up a patent application filed in 2013 by Impala Platinum (WO2013168035 A1 "A molecular recognition resin and method of manufacturing same") and so Impala seems to still be interested in the technology. They had 35.9 billion SA Rand in revenue for the year ended 2016/06/30 (or about US$ 2.4 billion at the then exchange rate). Why wouldn't they spend less than 1% of their annual revenue to control this technology and profit from its wider use?
Why haven't any of the other metal refining and extracting giants bought IBC?