AUDIT?RISKY? CASH? ILLIQUID VALUTATIONS? AVOID/SELLAs expected and as in the past, FNR waited to the last day or so to file the year end, 2016, Audit.
CASH? 85,000? ILLIQUID VALUTAIONTS On Public nd Private companies. Refer to the public porfolio, very little REAL TRADING, make believe, walk the prices to a set area, low low volume.
FNR's lack of ability to raise any large sums of $$$????
If they sell their public portfolio prices will come crashing down on these ILLIQUID stocks. Their private portfolio prices are in ????? if they sell? As well their valuations???
How is FNR going to raise more funds? 85,000???? on hand?
Refer to Sedar
All the above in my humble opinion and based on Sedar filings, mkts and management comments.