RE:Bought moreNear future? Management should have been out with a news release a few weeks ago if they KNEW it was a short attack. Oh good, they also have a dedicated team. Maybe they should have considered the dedicated investors whose blood, sweat, tears and money is backing their image system. And I am glad as h*ll they are very excited about their products. This is all lip service from our management to cool our heels when we should be putting their feet to the coals!! I am sorry but this smacks of little concern for the retail investor who has their money on the line. Nice to know they will "get around to us in the near future". Management has dropped the ball big time. Damage control should have been implimented weeks ago with the initial short attack when WE ALL KNEW ABOUT IT!! I have a few calls into them but no replies yet. I still back the science but I'm wondering about the ability of the management to run a public company. Maybe they should go back into the lab and let some adults run the front office. This is one big black mark for management as far as I'm concerned. No concern for the many who have supported them through thick and thin. Disgusting!