TheRevenant2016 wrote: if someone is invested in the market long enough& if their honest they will communicate where they have failed and lost money cuz everyone has at some point but most only laud about their winners, its not good copy to talk about the bad investment choices but they happen. to everyone. its how you mitigate and manage risk that is the difference between loss on paper and loss of principal in real life.
If you've been around long enough to go thru a few market cycles or corrections? the market if you invest long enough will at times humble even the best and brightest-both those schooled in Harvard Business program or the average guy with a hot tip and with a trading platform be they retail or professional alike. it happens to everybody. you just hope its not a portfolio killer situation where you bet the farm and as the outcome you lost it all and don't own the farm anymore
instead your a laborer working for minimum wage bagging potatoes for the new owner.
or posting like Illumination about polyana without being real- on some stockboard on the web.
STOCKSRCROOKED wrote: you are entitled to your opinion, ,
i could care less if you like what i wrote or not,
your opinion doesnt change my life or views of stocks,
the whole market is crooked and we can make a boat load of $$$ or lose a lot $$$ its a gamble and thats the truth, if it were a sure thing nobody would lose cash,,, ask anyone who went to a broker and bought stocks, they would all say they lost at the very least some cash,,if not a lot.
an example of crooked market is the documentary "the truth about chocolate"
the broker in new york said how he moved the cargo of cocoa beans around on paper jacking the price up , making lots of money, even though the pallets never moved an inch,
Not to mention how the Ethics commitee in Europe took plantations using child labor to pick the cocoa pods and just like laundering money , made the beans clean, the beans are now Fair Trade and Ethical.
not to mention the sub prime disaster a perpetrated scam
i have made good money buying at the right time and most important selling at the right time, i dont listen to the chatter , i use my own rainman method, and i have done well
i bought RIM @ $3.50 sold at $141.
i bought micro soft at $21.
i bought BLO.V at .20
i have a list of 10 good hits and this pat one is my only loss in my investing , i didnt lose much, i watched it and sold before it dropped too much, i may buy in once it in my "opinion" improves and becomes more secure
i use many sites for info, sedar is good and only 1 of many, there are all kinds of variables
my friend is a long time succesful broker with about 5 billion in his portfolio that he invests for his clients and he said in the industry "if a broker is right 15% of the time they consider that good"
go to pat 1 homepage, scroll down to the bottom where you can log in to sedar and make your own decision.
You make your own opinions and make your own decisions of what you buy and when you buy, and what you sell and when you sell,
Pat one will become an awesome in demand worldwide product in time , nobody has to agree or like what i say,
if its good great and if a stock is bad admit it, accept it, do what you can to change it
worst thing is to deny the truth
never worry
be concerned if there is a problem with a stock or in life
and put your concern into positive action.