Blinding glimpse of the obvious...In 2015 Daimler entered the new field of business with stationary battery storage with Deutz Accumotive. Daimler AG, in conjunction with its subsidiary Deutsche ACCUMOTIVE, began deliveries of its first home energy storage systems in April 2016.
Yet BMW and VW did even really start talking about any related initiative until the summer of 2016.
However, in March of 2016 EGT entered into a development contract with the battery manufacturing subsidiary of a leading German automotive manufacturer.
There was only one possibility ever... yet people continue to bicker and dispute what can only be characterized as a "blinding glimpse of the obvious"
I understand fully that some have lost patience... but in the end... patience or not, the story will still be the same and it is not a "pump".
Sell if you want...I continue to buy at these levels.
"The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient." Warren Buffett