And do tell me, where does it say, and need proof, that Aleanna owns 100% of the GAS RIGHTS. Can someone on this board where we have all these intelligent pumpers, show me evidence that ALEANNA OWNS THE GAS RIGHTS IN ITALY.. Someone, anyone.. No one,.. Thought so...

i showed you what percent they own CORRECT? yep Did you ask if they pay corporate, or state taxes NOPE. Clearly they operate in that country under their rules. 
Just so ya know as far as being an intelligent pumper. I'm in the gas business bud and understand how all this works. Talk to Byron he will tell you that article that was released was true they just have to clarify details. You need to understand something itialian rules arent like Canadian or US they leak stuff all the time long before it hits the market. 


as far a Vendy he's a ten cent million flipping for pennies. Not my game BRS has massive potential and they will soon have a total of 5 operating wells. Giddy up