This is a good sign Sprott's aware of- 15 days forced silvermetal price selloff in the COMEX, now moving sideways, which of
course would be duplicated in britain's LBMA metals exchange, to be
Good that Sprott sees it because with such a massive sell off of
the stock market expected this fall, with gold and silver inversing up
wards in a massive way, Eric Sprott is not going to do a stupid short
term benefit, merger, losing longs' their still thousands to many of
thousands of shares in a consolidation merger. Which would have to
go up much higher in price, to ultimately make that million dollars
expected by many long shareholders. And who's to say time will be
given for that. Whereas many times more thousands of shares of a
still junior producing gold stock just has to get to $10 or $20 to do that.
The 15 days record force massive paper silver metal sell off that the
world's nations still think paper selling represents physical gold/silver
trends and trading, and hence accepted as legitimate. But done in a
way no silver speculator would do it. Since if they want to get massive
silver positions out they do it gradually and with interspaced silver up
days. Not massive COMEX/LBMA paper silver dumping, that spooks
speculators too. But speculators, probably tentatively losing out too and hesitate their
selling, since scratching their heads wondering at the sell off when all
the signs from war mongering, to sluggish world economies, US debt
ceiling battle, Trump's budget floundering and trade wars talks, is bad
for the world's stock markets and currencies, but good for gold/silver.
Because of the inverse relation between US dollar/stock markets to
gold/silver metal prices. As US dollar/Stock markets go up, gold/
silver goes down, and vica versa. And both are forced now. The
Fed has been forcing the stock markets up by buying bonds at cheap
interest rates (which encourages stock market buying) that has come
to an end because isn’t helping anymore. And the FED forces gold
/silver metal prices down through the COMEX and LBMA by paper
selling of them, not physical selling of them.
The fear of the inevitable world collapse is driving the FED to pull
out all the stops to keep the stock markets up, and the gold/silver
metals down and side wars. Probably moving to buying stocks directly
soon, and forced massive paper sell off of silver especially right now,
on the COMEX and LBMA. Since silver traders wants to narrow the
price ratio to gold, from 70 to 1 down maybe to 50 to 1. Which is a
tip off or canary in the coal mines indicator that the stock markets and
economies of the world, are in trouble. Especially the west’s that are
most indebted and under pressure of cheap emerging markets’ wages
and prices.
Eric Sprott recognizing the above and forced silver selling, though to
see that you have to sign into the cloud’s audio of the interview with him
about the above. Said when the silver metal sell off by the COMEX was
into it’s 13 th day. Now it’s a 15 day record the way it was done, and the
silver metal price just moving sideways for the time being. And two relevant articles to that:
One showing that the propping up game is over, even if the FED moves
to direct buying up of the stock market to make it look like everything is
alright. With the result that there will be a
‘Fiscal Bloodbath (of stock markets) Coming this Fall’ and
bubble of gold/silver in their inverse relation movements to
the US dollar and stock markets.
By David Stockman with Greg Hunter On May 7