ENERTOPIA is moving ahead in line with it's goals.As both a trader and an investor I can see the opportunity here for both of my activities. As a trader, the dip on yesterday's news is both surprising and welcome as I can increase my position for less, whilst others focus on the Nevada announcement as being a reason to sell, I look on it in the opposite way. As an investor, it makes sense to me that ENRT/TOP gets out of Nevada and saves it's money on payments. Arlbemarle are still the only producer in Nevada despite 25 others staking claims but them really only experiencing the froth of the buzz-name and the proximity of the Tesla Giga-factory. They won't build their business that way, although they may experience a short-term share price bounce. For Enertopia to focus onthe Lithium triangle makes so much sense. Lithium grades, as mentioned also here previously, are second to none there whilst Nevada's are at best, mediocre. Remember the cost of producing lithium carbonate from high ppm grades is set to be low so why go for lower graded brines? Also, McAllister has the courage to tell the market he is turning his back on Nevada, whilst I bet many others wish they had never entered the State! If this were an easy game everyone would be a trader but the future is having the courage to know when you are on the right path. As a shareholder in Enertopia I am convinced they are on that right path, and the recent dip merely provides an opportunity to increase the position to a larger one than I could of at 10 cents! I am impatient though to see the fruits of Enertopia's labours!! Keenly waiting on more news. Things are moving fast!!