FGD Simply Not Even Worth .40 Cents per ShareThe market cap of this company at .50 cents is approximately $125,000,000
Yet, according to the latest financial statements, the company is worth a (negative) -$6,107,862 with negative working capital of -$4,000,000 Even at .40 cents its still totally over-valued. FGD was totally hyped up. FGD is not the only mobile fintech app. out there. Lots of companies and established banks are doing it. At best a market cap of $50 million which is .25 cents a share.
I warned you March 27th, when the share price was at .98 cents and Banx was pumping this (and every day continues to do so), that the share price was going to go down.. Well done DOJI! People, DOJI is not the reason the share price has dropped. Too many outstanding shares. (A reverse split is coming). lawsuits, negative working capital and negative net worth. DOJI was right and none of you pumpers have any class as you have not congratulated DOJI for getting it right. All the while pumpers keep getting it wrong and try to discredit DOJI for getting it right.