RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:We almost hit 11$!
Why will the Book value of the shares evaporate to Zero? upon what factual basis are stating this? that the mortgages are worthless> they have mortgage default rate lower than the big banks? This was a short term liquidity crisis caused by the panic from the OSC hearings. Depositors lost their minds and it was classic "run|" on the bank, Thankfully 85 % of HCG's deposit liabilities were in GIC';s and those aren't running out the door. Hoop stepped in the balance to provide short term capital- at credit card rates- and now they are find other sources to reduce their need for the HOOP credit line. With the sale of the mortgages, the BV will be reduced- maybe from 25 to 23 or 22 per share- still a long way from $5 per share or $ 0. the assets of the company are the mortgages that they have underwritten and they are still fundamentally sound. the bad mortagage brokers were uncovered two to three years ago. The hearing is about the timing of the release of the info not about the quality of the mortgage assets