RE:OT Newmont takes strategic stake in Continental GoldBy the time we finish adding in the resopurces that we already know are there, and I'm not talking about LD, we should be in the ballpark of 4-4.5 million z's, or close to what Continental is showing. A big difference that jumps out at me is they need to spend nearly $400 million to build there mine and process plant out. We by comparision are around $100 mill once the dust settles. Big difference.....
Pre-Production Capital Cost Estimate Continental Gold
Capital Costs
CAPITAL COSTS | $ Million |
• Underground Development, Infrastructure and Mine Equipment | 95.3 |
• Process Plant and Tailings Facility | 115.8 |
• General Site Facilities and Equipment and Site Development | 43.7 |
• Water Treatment Plant | 12.6 |
• Power | 5.4 |
• Access Road | 10.9 |
Subtotal | 283.7 |
• VAT (including $14.9 million available as income tax credits) | 19.5 |
• Owners and Project Indirect Cost and EPCM | 86.0 |
Total (including Contingency of $35.4 million) | 389.2 |