RE:RE:ransomware - get realI hate posting in this bullboard simply due to the fact idjits one-star every man, whoever you are, get a life!
QNRG2 does not provide encryption - thats the first thing to understand. It provides true random entropy, a true random random number.
Existing random numbers generate a number that is not truly random ; from simple int() functions that rely on cpu clock cycles which are easily predicted, to other algorithms that I am not cerebral enough to understand. QNRG2 goes beyond that and uses the environment to generate random numbers.
True randomness in encryption is important since it is the basis on which keys are generated for the function of that encryption. But the QNRG2 does not itself "do" the encryption. It provides the cornerstone upon which it can be guaranteed to be secure.
The NSA doesn't want you to have true randomness as that will make it harder for them if not impossible to real-time decrypt encrypted transmissions. But that encryption will not be within the QNRG2, it will be a protocol suite that provides encryption, using the QNRG2 as a random number generator for keys and other functions