RE:Zenyatta Ventures Destined To Be Highest GrissingDiamondstein wrote: Mine in Canadian History. Best graphite in the world. Watch out for the quacks infesting this board who believe if they bash the top dog (Zenyatta) that somehow people will buy his graphite stoc which is floundering. Flawed strategy by an imbecile.
If jiggydo was being honest when he posted "Trying to prevent NEWBIES from getting sucked into a stock due to decline big time" he would be spending all his time at the CCB board trying to help investors avoid losses by posting about red flag warnings like:
the chart downtrend for the last year: down 27% in the past year and down 21% in the past six months.
2) the company signs major contract with a marble purchaser many months ago but they are
keeping the purchaser's identify secret thus making vetting by investors impossible.
3) Several
CCB shareholders spend most of their time bashing ZEN while ignoring CCB's issues like the extensive use of costly and environmental unfriendly heat treatment to raise the purity level being touted by supporters.