You do know 20points that there over 200 mail order marijuana websites!!!!
i can list them for days just type mail order marijuana up and you will see. I told you I've tried all LPs and most mail order sites and to this day has had the medical cannabis around. I've followed aurora on stockhouse for the last two years to see what people have been talking about and one day someone posted something about saying only good things. After ordering from them and realizing it was truly amazing cannabis and a life changer I joined stockhouse about 4 months ago to tell everyone who needs the very best medical cannabis about my experience so the real people who need will get the best quality around. I only care about helping ppl who want premium cannabis. So get a life bc Aurora weed doesn't even come close in my opinion. I've been on all other LPs stockhouse accounts also giving my 2 cents. If you don't like it that's your problem.
Of the 200 mail order sites in Canada is the real deal.