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VIVO Cannabis Inc. V.PDA

Primary Symbol: VVCIF

VIVO Cannabis Inc is a Canada-based company. It is involved in the production and sale of medical and recreational cannabis and the provision of cannabis-related medical information and services in Canada. The company's operating segment includes Cannabis, Patient Clinics, and Corporate. It generates maximum revenue from the Cannabis segment. The company has a presence across three geographical locations - Canada, Germany, and Australia.

OTCQB:VVCIF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by Dcoyoteon May 16, 2017 5:46pm
Post# 26252050

RE:RE:We need patience

RE:RE:We need patience
I'm not a professional. I just got in real early after doing alot of reading. As for Abcann - what is there not to like about them. If you read about them. They have an excellent advisory board. 94% customer retention rate. I think we are all lucky to get in a bottom prices cause of the timing of the MJ stock softening.
Bullboard Posts