RE:My Opinion on the progression on new sales going forward....hintonkid wrote: I thought that I would add my 2 bits in regard to upcoming sales and product demand going into the late spring/summer months.
With the improving weather and the warmer and sunnier days ahead I expect that product sales, for Tinley Beverage, are going to pick up with each successive day as consumer's thoughts turn to summer-time activities such as BBQ season, trips to the beach, camping and other outdoors activities. It means that consumers will be quenching that thurst with all kinds of beverages.
These days, more and more consumers are looking to less traditional beverages such as soft drinks and turning to more heathy, less sugary, alternatives. The hempify line of product choices will likely be one of those alternatives. Remember, the higher the temperatures climb the more drinks that are consumed.
Secondly, with summertime comes tailgate parties before, or after, the big game, long weekend celebrations, BBQ's where friends or family get together more often just to socialize and relax on a lazy Saturday evening or buddies or girl-friends get together for that traditional pre-wedding bash. With these activities comes the increased consumption of wine and spirits and beer. The Tinley 27 products represent a beverage alternative for those that are looking for a non-alcohol based product or those that have to avoid alcohol based beverages for medical or other reasons and don't want to feel like they are unable to participate in the consumption of a celabratory beverage with their fellow party-goers. Finally, the Tinley 27 products represent an alternative beverage choice for those that simply are looking for a non-alcohol based drink that they can enjoy with a quiet evening meal, at home, at the end of the day or just in the evening while watching their favorite TV show.
All of this translates into increased demand for Tinley Beverage products, going forward, and therefore increased revenue from sales and repeat sales.
Tinctures give me migraines as I am sensitive to the alcohol, and so I am on of those that you speak of that is interested in seeing how Tinley 27 affects me. Alcohol is a lot like caffeine. What good has it ever done for you? Sure, it makes you feel good temporarily, but the only reason that I am going to have a drink with you is to be social. If I can be social (fit in) with something that looks and tastes like booze but has THC in it for my pain then yeah why not? It makes sense.