Victoria DayGives the bankers an extra day to put their deal together. We're all looking for another miner to step in, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a private equity deal form up. They like to buy these things cheap, Eldorado has set that stage, bring it to fruition, then payday...taking it public. $600 million (us) is pocket money for these guys. Check out this guy Paulson. Runs a Hegde fund here in the states and is known to have some big, real big gold investments. Integra is simple at this point, almost a turnkey operation. We know they need about $80 million to get going, mill refurbishment, etc and still have $40 in cash, so net net another $40+/-, and 8-9 months they could be commissioning their mill. I would think key people would be asked to stay, and the board... need. Still could happen...Lots of money looking for a good return, and gold in the ground is insurance.