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Tenaris ADR Rep 2 Ord Shs T.TS.B

Primary Symbol: TS

Tenaris S.A. is a holding company, which is a steel producer with production facilities in Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, United States and Guatemala. The Company supplies round steel bars and flat steel products for its pipes business. It operates through Tubes business segment. The Tubes segment includes the production and sale of both seamless and welded steel tubular products, and related services primarily for the oil and gas industry, principally oil country tubular goods (OCTG) used in drilling operations, and for other industrial applications with production processes that include in the transformation of steel into tubular products. It operates in geographical areas, such as North America, South America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific. Its products and services include OCTG, Premium Connections, Rig Direct, Offshore Line Pipe, Onshore Line Pipe, Hydrocarbon Processing, Power Generation, Sucker Rods, Coiled Tubing, Industrial and Mechanical, and Automotive.

NYSE:TS - Post by User

Comment by Mediawatcheron May 22, 2017 9:51am
Post# 26270015

RE:RE:RE:Pension liabilities - Possible solvency funding relief

RE:RE:RE:Pension liabilities - Possible solvency funding reliefIt would be a big week if Torstar knew how to effectively promote the strategy and value of the company. Evidence the action Ford Motor Co took today because shares and performance has languished for THREE years. The last CEO drove Torstar into the ditch for more than 8 years accompanied by a CFO that was clueless and the board just watched it unfold with lots of handwringing and excuses. I still believe the stock will pop in spite of the ongoing incompetence at the top of the house. 
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