RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Hey Dart, the SP is currently .54Another low tide post with a fabrication and nothing to back it up. jjeerryy, youve aligned yourself with a poster who claims to be a god, another that is the most vulgar and insulting poster on the board who demands the unadulterated version, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and continuously ignores blatant lies and now the new recruit Super One is making sense to you (of course with nothing to back that up). You bashers aren't transparent at all LOL.
jjeerryy wrote: depths wrote: Hey Super One, you said "we know nothing" and back it up with nothing, he says we know a fair bit and backs it up with examples. You are saying "its pure speculation" he is saying it isn't and he backs it up with examples. You tell the board "nobody should be throwing out any numbers", he disagrees and gives usable information as to why. You are saying nobody knows the future about CNZ, well that's a Captain Obvious statement for ANY stock and offers no substance. Back to your "first off nobody should be throwing out any numbers" now you are saying "my point is speculate all you want". You stated to me "Nothing you say or think out loud on this board is going to change the stock price...get used to it." Thanks for another fabrication but I never said anything remotely close to board discussions changing stock prices. I asked you why you are here and you have not responded. You dont have many fooled and the more you post the more you show everyone you are another sleazy basher showing up at low tide creating doubt for cheap shares. I am looking forward to your story changing again when the price moves up or your disappearance like last time.
depths, Super1investor makes far more sense than you can ever hope to. It does not matter which name you use.
Super1nvestor wrote: I don't care about gaining credibility from anyone. Im posting my honest opinion only and one can believe whatever they choose to believe. I'm only putting out my perspectives based on my experiences within the venture market...that's all. As for you saying predictions can be made based off the things you've listed below (like "we know that 50k tons can be sold per year")...well, you can attempt to calculate figures from all that but that does not mean those things will actually happen. Until they do, it's pure speculation. And even if it does happen, you have NO idea how the market is going to value it/react. Look at NSP for example..several millions in revenue and profitable but the market doesn't even care. The share price keeps getting hammered. My point is...speculate all you want..but until execution happens and they are actually selling 50k tons per year and you see their margins and actual profits, it dont mean jack shiat! And even then you don't know if the market will give it that full value. So yes, my personal stance is to choose to remain curiously optimistic and not make price prediction based on numbers of "they can", "they have ", etc...i will wait for them to execute abd show me the true numbers...the ones in the financials. Read more at