GREY:ALXDF - Post by User
Post by
goldopportunityon May 23, 2017 10:34pm
Post# 26275505
- closed at usd .065 = cdn .0876 (boc 1.3490 close)
MM canaccord was the party pooper today with that relatively high 100K best ask this am. It appears to me that "da boys" from canada were attempting to suppress the alxdf sp so it didn't get ahead of the azx sp like it did yesterday (monday). You see, they were caught off guard when alxdf shot up thru and closed above st resistance while the cdnx was closed for a holiday. Does this crazy canuck house really think it can intimidate americans the same way they intimidate canadians? I don't bloody think so. Thank gawd for american traders!
Closed at cdn .085 on higher than average 2.2M volume. The idiot canuck MMs were up to their old games today with big supplies on the ask. Of course, a weaker gold price thru the session and stabilizing usdx didn't help matters either. We were up a penny and closed at the high of the day. I'll take it. Always remember, chartists love the closing price (paint job or not).
I think we're about due for another pr. So stay the course and we'll see what happens. Jmvho.