Pileup on the FreewayPlease please everyone.
I see a lot of wanna be technicians here that seem to have no practical experience on dealing with " Eroded and Compromised " junk in the well.
Ever see a picture of a pileup on the Deerfoot 500 in the dead of winter?
The hole size is Mickey Mouse style. No room for error.
To recover the compromised wellbores subject to erosion they will have to pass a clearance mill to total depth.
There has been sand ( god knows where the hell all that tonnage went ) and high pressures. If you erode some components their operating strength becomes very compromised and will deform easily either already or with additional mechanical or pressure forces not counting the tinned of sand still to be passed.
It seems nobody on here is seasoned enough and they all think it's a virgin and healthy wellbore.
Possibility says yes. On the other hand probability and money say no way in hell.
Go go ahead and keep dreaming of the fairy tale recovery plan with plug and perf. It's like dealing with a drug addicted prostitute knowing your Chinese made condom cannot be counted on.
Way too many wanna be Operations Types on here with zero downhole experience in compromised wellbores.
The one smart post is the ten for one reverse split. You gotta know it's coming.
The stock drifts to 25 cents. They do a ten for one. But like Gomer Pyle used to say. " Surprise Surprise Surprise "
the stock instead of trading at 2.50 in reality trades for 1.35 or even 80 cents. Go do the math. Seen it time and time again. Beware.
Good luck to those thinking a gong show is easy to recover from. There has been catastrophic failure s here not just from what you know already but from root cause analysis or Tap Root ghey would learn there is a major systemic error done.
It all boils down to the operational people in charge and failures on many levels.
Frac company, tool company, site supervision, stock promotion under false pretences when they damned well knew something has been amiss.
The data is all captured. It's there. The failures on QAQC are astonishing.
Some of the key people at this enterprise should be holding their chin LOWER than a hogs jaw on market day. Shame.
I am very sorry I bought these shares but am still waiting for statements of clarity and recovery.
A billion shares soon to be out there is ludicrous. Shareholders have been diluted to no end.
Ikkuma is a perfect example of a reverse split. Bad but trapped. Same goes here.
Until the root cause of piss poor management and very poor operational practices and personnel along with the cover up of frac data is resolved this company is stuck in the mud.
You cannot send that much sand down the wellbore and not see new formation break down pressures each time as it was engineered. Someone has been silent and not transparent.
The pressure vs time and rate data for each supposed " successfully implemented " stage leave distinct signatures.
The shareholders should be livid.
We have indeed had our pipes pulled.
Wake Up sheeple.