RE:The share price might still dropMy view is we just made it through the very worst part of the cycle. The SP relentlessly dropped until the earnings release and it has stabilized. Plenty of investors inQ waiting to wait for any holders to unload, this is where you hold or move on, sell now at a confirmed loss or hold and possibly reap great future bounty as the hardest work has been done in getting the product out to the first movers/users.
Strong acceptance in Hawaii with the company acknowledging this is where initial earnings growth will be.
New test markets for products developing in New York, possibly strong media coverage to follow for this new market of battery storage and of companies who have gained initial traction. Many states are gathering funds for which will be ripe for picking.
Making money isn't easy. Will these other companies entering market such as MBE need to get approvals prior to delivering product or does that just apply to the small fish?