DEVIOUS DEALINGS, HIDING INFORMATION FROM SHAREHOLDERSClearly Voyageur cannot be trusted to keep the public informed of the true nature of their property's. I've discovered an old 43 101 for their barite properties and very simple, the previous mines were shut down because the low grade barite available couldn't turn a profit. The old company was called Tiger Ridge. Now they claim that Frances Creek has all kinds of potential meanwhile the property lies at a ridiculous elevation that would require millions of dollars to upgrade access to, and that's even if they can prove any of this high grade barite exists. These guys currently have no money and are simply trying to pump this stock before announcing a devastating finance agreement where all the share holders are going to be left holding the bag. In fact it is reasonable to believe that the directors are going to average down themselves to get out of their failed previous financing. This Voyageur is gonna hurt a lot when the financing is made clear.