RE:LaggardOnedaylate wrote: According to Kieth Schafer's news letter, he has done a very abrupt 180 on SNS.
He was all bullish on the stock, got in of course on the $0.77 financing. Pumped it up all nice and pretty, doubled his money and started selling. He has just sold another 40k. Still holds about 40k.
He is now calling this company a laggard. He is taking on the very typical pump and dump title in my mind. I have seen this on several occasions now. He is able to get in on all these great intro financings, pumps up the stock to his subscribers, makes a bit of money, then lets you know some time afterwards that he dumped it. In my opinion he should not sell with out warning his paying subscribers.
It's very apparent that unless you are an accredited investor, you are simply wasting your time, effort, money and emotions following him. Sure he has some losers too (all the ones I pick).
I don't feel it is right to present his "in-depth" analysis the way he does, and then do a 180 on it after he has made money. Does he have enough influence in the junior energy markets to make a difference? I don't know the answer to that. But he may have others he works with, and in tandem are able to make some market movement in his favour. I know he does have several buds with news letters that he is always trying to get people to support as well as his.
Any ways SNS is turning out to be another loser for me.
Onedaylate, don't live up to the username so much. And, stop relying on others to make your ifinancial decisions.
SNS has tanked for both technical and macro reasons. It was very clear. No surprises. Only surprises if you are not familiar with either the technical or macro reasons because then it's simply on the stock guru who you have followed.