RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Jiggydo Picks His Stocks Like His Soorts Teams LOSERSarcoe1 wrote: "loser with the wrong mindset"
I think that's your problem, all of you 'believers'. You all have a 'mindset' which precludes you from listening to reason. If you ever have any chance of becoming a successful investor you must develop the ability to put emotion aside and maintain at all times an open mind. Never ever, ever marry any stock. Chose the wrong one or hold any of them long enough and they are guaranteed to bite you in the a*s.
jiggydo and arcoe1 appear to have the same loser mindset and now arcoe1 is trying to project his own deficiencies onto to another poster. That is sure proof that my theory is right. jiggydo is the one who is the "believer" and ignores all the glaring red flag issues with his favourite marble company.
jiggydo bashes ZEN to occupy his mind with anything but the marble quarry company. Who can blame him for trying to forget that company? I suspect you are a marble company fan as well, eh arcoe1? You guys just can't stay away from the ZEN board and you guys just can't stop trying to insult ZEN supporters. You need to sell that dog stock and get a life.
Have you noticed which stock (the graphite mine stock or the marble quarry stock) is moving up and which one is dropping? Choose ZEN or be a loser then. The choice is yours to make.
Be a ZEN winner or be a loser like jiggydo.
Be happy like the ZEN supporters or be jealous and miserable like jiggydo.