In the following paragraph, a brilliant request by Ucore!"The Act additionally provides $15 million to the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) for the development and testing of commercially viable separation technologies which can be utilized in the near future to extract REE from the byproducts of coal mining. Ucore has engaged NETL for the prospective application of the SuperLig® REE platform in the coal tailings sector, a resource-rich US asset in West Virginia and other areas of the Northern Appalachians. The ability to acquire and separate REE from above-ground resources at a commercially viable level would be a significant achievement in developing successful alternative supply sources in a Chinese-dominated market.The Act additionally provides $15 million to the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) for the development and testing of commercially viable separation technologies which can be utilized in the near future to extract REE from the byproducts of coal mining. Ucore has engaged NETL for the prospective application of the SuperLig® REE platform in the coal tailings sector, a resource-rich US asset in West Virginia and other areas of the Northern Appalachians. The ability to acquire and separate REE from above-ground resources at a commercially viable level would be a significant achievement in developing successful alternative supply sources in a Chinese-dominated market."
If NETL accepts the Ucore request to apply the SuperLig(R)REE platform for coal tailings.....
Then Ucore-IBC just has to be patient while NETL spends federally funded money
to check out the MRT SuperLig approach to getting REEs out of coal tailings and based upon those results offers the multi-million dollar contract to Ucore-IBC.